David Usher

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Wenn dir das Lied David Usher Alone in the universe gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

David Usher - Alone in the universe Lyrics

Jamie's on the bathroom floor,
She don't know why
She's shaking underneath the sink,
Can't feel a thing
She'd love to live a life,
She's too afraid of failure
With all the voices in her head
Now what was that? I thought I heard you scream

I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...

Don't you know
We're freaks and creatures?
Wake up, I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here, you and I
I think we're alone left wondering why
I think we're alone here, you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

Alex on the last train home
From God knows where
A million miles away from where
He thought he'd be
He's got his suit, his tie,
His drink, his MTV
He's trading all his life away
You can't escape, we're all infected now

I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...

Don't you know
We're freaks and creatures?
Wake up, I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here, you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

We're all infected now

I know you can feel it
You're already there
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can feel it
You're already...

Don't you know
We're freaks and creatures?
Wake up, I can almost see the light

I think we're alone here, you and I
I think we're alone left wondering why
I think we're alone here, you and I
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

I think we're alone in the universe tonight
I think we're alone in the universe tonight

David Usher - Alone in the universe Songtext.
Alone in the universeDavid Usher

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David Usher Alone in the universe Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Alone in the universe David Usher benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
