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Sugababes - About a girl Lyrics

Red One
Girls bring the fun of life,
sugar like apple pie,
let's have a party-oh!
Let's have a party-oh!
Let's have a party-oh!
You think I'm sexy, huh?
I'm international, think you can make me fall?
What do you know?
(What do you know)
I'm in my Louis Vuittons, fire like a bomb,
and I'll be ducking calls 'til I go home
('Til I go home)

We like them lights (Yeah we love it)
Stars and stripes (L-L-love it)
All night (Yeah we love it)
I can see
You don't know about a girl,
I'll take over the world,
and I'm gonna party like woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
You don't know about a girl,
the meaning of the word,
'cause we just wanna party like woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
So we gon' take it oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
Oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
So we gon' take it oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
Oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!

The games you play, why can't I play that way,
I'll break your heart and then I'll mend it up
(I'll mend it up)
Shine like a disco ball,
your intuition calls,
but to me that ball is not enough
(Not enough)

We like them lights (Yeah we love it)
Stars and stripes (L-L-love it)
All night (Yeah we love it)
I can see
You don't know about a girl,
I'll take over the world,
and I'm gonna party like woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
You don't know about a girl,
the meaning of the word, 'cause we just wanna party like woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
So we gon' take it oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
Oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
So we gon' take it oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!
Oh-oh ha-ay-ah oh-oh ha-ay-oh!

Girls bring the fun of life,
sugar like apple pie,
take a trip to paradise, let's have a party-oh!
Beauty like you never saw,
take your number never call,
bite the apple take your heart,
let's have a party-oh!.....

Sugababes - About a girl Songtext.
About a girlSugababes

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Sugababes About a girl Songtext

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