Craig David


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Wenn dir das Lied Craig David Hands up in the air gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Craig David - Hands up in the air Lyrics

Ooh baby..It’s all about a party
You really wanna, really wanna, get down tonight, down tonight yeah
Come on baby
Lemme see those hands up in the air
Lemme see you bounce tonight…

Tonight it’s all about a party
Dressin up to try and impress somebody
Hoping to find your self a fly shorty
And somebody oh so beautiful so right
If you’re still feeling unsure,
that make you well up on the dance floor
You should be shaking what you got
That’s what you came for
So shut the back door
Cuz no one’s tripping
Just keep playing that song

Let me see those hands up in the air
All my fellas bouncing in the club let me hear you say yeah
No oh no, it’s nothing new
To raise the roof with your crew
But you can bring it down if you want to
Let me see those hands up in the air
All my ladies shaking what you got let me hear you say yeah
If you wanna jump around
Believe in love it’s time to get down,
moving to the groove I know it feels good to you…

You’re gonna see a
Hot girl.. A rock girl, looking kinda fly
And she knows it very well…
The kind you’d be calling on your cell.
Falling underneath the spell
So addicted baby, can’t you tell?
You need a hot boy
Top boy
Looking kinda fly…
One that makes you feel weak at the knees
Now if it’s for real then just let it show
While the beat moves your body, mind and soul…

Let me see those hands up in the air
All my fellas bouncing in the club let me hear you say yeah
No oh no, it’s nothing new
To raise the roof with your crew
But you can bring it down if you want to
Let me see those hands up in the air
All my ladies shaking what you got let me hear you say yah
If you wanna jump around
Believe in love it’s time to get down,
moving to the groove I know it feels good to you…
What you gonna do

Now baby I gotta just break it on down…
This one goes out to all my fellas--- all my ladies oh yeah
Now I know it’s kinda easy to raise the roof with your crew yeah alright
But I know it ain’t that easy to bring the whole thing down

Let me see those hands up in the air
All my fellas bouncing in the club let me hear you say yeah
No oh no, it’s nothing new
To raise the roof with your crew
But you can bring it down if you want to
Let me see those hands up in the air
All my ladies shaking what you got let me hear you say yah
If you wanna jump around
Believe in love it’s time to get down,
moving to the groove I know it feels good to you…

(Repeat 4 times..) 

Craig David - Hands up in the air Songtext.
Hands up in the airCraig David

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Craig David Hands up in the air Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Hands up in the air Craig David benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
