Craig David


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Wenn dir das Lied Craig David Booty Man gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Craig David - Booty Man Lyrics

One two buckle my shoe
three four step inside the venue and i
see in the corner of my eye
this beautiful girl
that's standing by the bar looking fly
she was like a beauty queen out of a magazine
looked about 19
five mintues talking next thing
it's her number being written

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on

one two unbuckle my shoe
kissing and cuddling
at my crib after the venue and i
didn't wanna take it too fast so i said slow slow
i gotta make some calls so keep it down low
she was like i can't believe you wanna talk instead
of making love to me
five minutes chillin next thing it's my name she's calling

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on

bomb bomb the booty man booty man's really got it goin
on on the booty man booty man's really got it going
bomb bomb the booty man booty man's really got it going on
on on the botty man booty man's really got it going on

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on
(repeat 3x) 

Craig David - Booty Man Songtext.
Booty ManCraig David

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Craig David Booty Man Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Booty Man Craig David benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
