Craig David


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Wenn dir das Lied Craig David Fast Cars gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Craig David - Fast Cars Lyrics

Fast cars,
Fast women,
Speed bikes with the nitro in them,
Dangerous when driven,
Those are the type that I be feeling (x2)

Sitting there while I observe,
I like your lines I love your curves,
Checking out your bodywork,
How can I get with her,
Your the one that I want,
Do anything to turn you on,
Somebody please just pass the keys so you can take a ride with me

I'm on a mission,
First thing disarming your system,
Next thing slip the key in the ignition,
Just listen,
To the way that you purr at me you know your as perverse as me,
When your back starts dipping,
Wheel spinning when the gears start shifting,
I'm sticking to the turbo kissing,
You know that I'm missing,
Got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash a 5.0,

Fast cars,
Fast women,
Speed bikes with the nitro in them,
Dangerous when driven,
Those are the type that I be feeling (x2)

Feel the rise feel the rush,
The moment I tease your clutch,
Reacting to my every touch,
Were shifting down were tearing up,
I don't care where we go,
The brand new Alps the Amazon (?)
Even if we crash you know,
I'll spin your round just to let you know

I'm on a mission,
First thing disarming your system,
Next thing slip the key in the ignition,
Just listen,
To the way that you purr at me you know your as perverse as me,
When your back starts dipping,
And I'm unaware of the limits I'm hitting,
Blurred vision in a critical condition,
Could blow the transmission,
Got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash a 5.0,

Fast cars,
Fast women,
Speed bikes with the nitro in them,
Dangerous when driven,
Those are the type that I be feeling (x2)

Body like a racecar,
You got the curves like Jaguar,
Acceleration like a Yamaha,
I like the way you perform when I'm turning you on,
Feel it when I revving you,
Smoother than a ???,
??? like a ???,
I like the way you perform when I'm turning you on

Fast cars,
Fast women,
Speed bikes with the nitro in them,
Dangerous when driven,
Those are the type that I be feeling (x4) 

Craig David - Fast Cars Songtext.
Fast CarsCraig David

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Craig David Fast Cars Songtext

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