Craig David


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Craig David - One last dance Lyrics

One last dance with you
Even though what we have is strong
Both of us know that we've done wrong
You could lose everything
Need to give it up
Just one last dance with you
For all the moments that we shared
All the lies they don't compare
You gotta go back to him,
And I realize that
Every time I see
Your face I know
There's a part of me
That can't bear to let you go

And I would give my heart
Give you the world,
Risk losing everything I got
I'd give it all to you
Though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do...

One last dance with you
So hard to find the words to say
But I can't see any other way
Girl you've risked everything
Time to give it up
Just one last dance with you
And though it breaks my heart to leave
We both know it's time to let it breathe
You gotta go back to him,
Girl I realize that
Every time I see
Your face I know
There's a part of me
That can't bear to let you go

And I would give my heart
Give you the world,
Risk losing everything I got
I'd give it all to you
Though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do…

So many times we tried to hold back
We've been here before now girl
And it feels so cruel, yeah
A million tears won't change the fact that
I find it hard to play the game
When I feel like i'm the one to blame

But I would give my heart
Give you the world,
Risk losing everything I got
I'd give it all to you
Though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do...

And I would give my heart
Give you the world,
Risk losing everything I got
If I had to give you up
To make my peace with God
I know it's the right thing to do...

One last dance with you…

Craig David - One last dance Songtext.
One last danceCraig David

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Craig David One last dance Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied One last dance Craig David benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
