Darius Rucker

Country, Folk-Rock, Rock, R&B, Country

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Darius Rucker - All I Want Lyrics

Don't act surprised, it ain't like you didn't know
It's been a long long time coming and it's time for me to go
Tryin' to split things up could drive us crazy
So I'm gonna make this easy, baby

You can have the money, you can have the house
Take the Cadillac and that boat out back
And your mother's pink and yellow couch
You can have every penny that I'll make from this here song
Girl all I want you to leave me is alone

Don't get me wrong I will always love you, girl
You were my life you were my heart, you were my world
But we both know it's over, there's no need to fight it
Girl I just need some peace and quiet

So you can have the money, you can have the house
Take the Cadillac and that boat out back
And that ugly pink and yellow couch
You can have every penny that I will make from this here song
Girl all I want you to leave me is alone

You can have the money, you can have the house
Take the big screen and your diamond ring
And those shoes that you swore you couldn't live without
You can have every penny that I will make from this here song
Girl all I want you to leave me is alone
Girl all I need you to leave me is alone 

Darius Rucker - All I Want Songtext.
All I WantDarius Rucker

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Darius Rucker All I Want Songtext

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