Craig David


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Craig David - All We Needed Lyrics

I wish that I was staying longer

But I been called into the light

Something 'bout you makes me stronger

But all the lows, they feel like highs

I'm sorry that I never told you

But I will never lose the faith

Through the stars, over the oceans

I'll meet you there someday

So lay me down, in the water

Lay me down, don't let my feet touch the ground

Kiss me now, until it's over

We're running out of time

When I'm with you, I can hear them singing

My tears will fall when my eyes close

With you, I am always winning

And that feeling never goes

So lay me down, in the water

Lay me down, don't let my feet touch the ground

Kiss me now, until it's over

We're running out of time

I wish we could rewrite our story,

love is extraordinary

Try to say the words but make no sound

If God is real, then reassure me

Take my hand and hold me closely

Show me that you'll always be around

If my heart is never found

But love is all we needed

But time let us down

I can feel you getting lighter

Your eyes are shining brighter

You're finally coming home

Don't have to wait no longer

I know I made you stronger

I know you're not alone

So lay me down, in the water

Lay me down, don't let my feet touch the ground

When we're found

Love was all we needed

But time let us down

When we're found

Love was all we needed

But time let us down

Craig David - All We Needed Songtext.
All We NeededCraig David

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Craig David All We Needed Songtext

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