Jack Savoretti

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Jack Savoretti - We Are Bound Lyrics

[Verse 1]

Planned a great escape

Keep the wolves away

Together we can hide like runaways

We can find a way

See the sun again

You and I are meant for better days


We’re not the enemy

Tired of saying we’re sorry for our love

We are bound to a place where they won’t follow

Where we are bound

Our hearts will take us there

It’s just a game of truth or dare

[Verse 2]

Leave the broken dream

Find the missing key

Nobody told us how hard this would be

Keep the memories

Only what we need

Until we find sometime that we can believe


We’re not the enemy

Tired of saying we’re sorry for our love

We are bound to a place where they won’t follow

Where we are bound

Our hearts will take us there

It’s just a game of truth or dare


Promises is [?]

Well, I promise that us will remain

Don’t be afraid

To walk down this path that we’ve made

[Chorus 2]

We are bound to a place where they won’t follow

Where we are bound

Our hearts will take us there

It just a game of truth

We are bound to a place where they won’t follow

Where we are bound

Our hearts will take us there

It just a game of truth or dare


Planned a great escape

Keep the wolves away

You and I are meant for greater days

Jack Savoretti - We Are Bound Songtext.
We Are BoundJack Savoretti

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Jack Savoretti We Are Bound Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied We Are Bound Jack Savoretti benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
