Craig David


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Wenn dir das Lied Craig David Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Craig David - Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) Lyrics

[Verse 1:]

When you're so in love,

Sometimes you gotta take a chance to break through,

And when the world is not enough,

That's what gives you everything or breaks you.


Feeling empty, feeling used,

It's like we're running off fumes;

A little broken, confused,

But one thing I know for sure.

Ain't giving up on you, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you.

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you.

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you!

[Verse 2:]

When the going gets tough,

Just remember it's me and you for life,

And when the world is not enough,

Baby, are we worth the fight?


Feeling empty, feeling used,

It's like we're running off fumes;

A little broken, confused,

But one thing I know for sure.

Ain't giving up on you, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you.

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you,

Ain't giving up on you.

Oh, oh, oh, ain't giving up on you!

Craig David - Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) Songtext.
Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala)Craig David

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Craig David Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Ain't Giving Up (Feat. Sigala) Craig David benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
