Craig David


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Craig David - Nothing Like This (Feat. Blonde) Lyrics

[Verse 1:]

Oh, yeah, yeah!

We started out being friends,

I had my girl, and you had him,

Who would have known, we were ready then?

‘Cause I'm holding you tight, in the middle of the night,

After we just finished love making.

We both waited, withered the storm,

Could've cheated, but knew that'd be wrong.

Even though, we came close

Had to get you out of my mind,

I've been round a few times

If I slip and committed the crime.


More than just a feeling,

This is more than just a crush,

This ain't some romantic gesture,

This right here is called real love,

And nothing really matters

As long as there's you and me there's us,

And I'm letting go now.

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

No, I ain't felt nothing quite like this.

[Verse 2:]

Nothing matters when I'm with you,

Life is simple, ‘cause, girl, you're the truth.

All along I was here for you

Waiting til the timing was right,

You need a dream that will show you, girl,

What you've been missing.


More than just a feeling,

This is more than just a crush,

This ain't some romantic gesture,

This right here is called real love,

And nothing really matters

As long as there's you and me there's us,

And I'm letting go now.

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

No, I ain't felt nothing quite like this.


All them others were just a waste of time

‘Cause nothing can compare to when I'm with you,

Oh, baby, yeah!

Life can be so unpredictable sometimes,

Gotta be ready to read between the lines, too,

You feel me?


More than just a feeling,

This is more than just a crush,

This ain't some romantic gesture,

This right here is called real love,

And nothing really matters

As long as there's you and me there's us,

And I'm letting go now.

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

I ain't felt nothing like this, like this,

No, I ain't felt nothing quite like this.

Craig David - Nothing Like This (Feat. Blonde) Songtext.
Nothing Like This (Feat. Blonde)Craig David

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Craig David Nothing Like This (Feat. Blonde) Songtext

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