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Wenn dir das Lied Prince Scandalous gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Prince - Scandalous Lyrics

Come. Closer.
Feel what U've been dyin' 4
Don't be afraid, baby
Touch it and explode
Understand, understand that I love U
But more than that - I want U
Everybody always told me
";Good things come 2 those who wait";
But I've got so much on the menu
I just can't wait, I just can't, I can't wait baby
I can't wait baby
I can wrap my legs around U girl
Cuz sugar, U know U're just the kind of lover
That I've been looking 4
2 night why don't we skip all the 4 play, mamma
And just get down here on the floor

I'm talkin' about U and me
Marvelous - baby, baby, can't U see
Anything U've ever dreamed of
I'm willing 2 be
2 night it's gonna be scandalous
Cuz 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy

My dearest, my dearest

(Whisper) Whisper a question
With my body (body) I'll scream a reply
Anything's acceptable
Just ask me and I'll try it
2 hell with hesitation
2 hell with the reasons why

I'm talkin' about U and me
Marvelous - baby, baby, can't U see
Anything U've ever dreamed of
I'm willing 2 be
2 night it's gonna be scandalous
Cuz 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy

Baby, baby, baby

Oh girl, the things U make me do!
Genius is the only way 2 describe U
Anything U've ever dreamed of baby
Just ask me - I'll do, I'll do,
I'll do it 4 U baby 

Prince - Scandalous Songtext.

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Prince Scandalous Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Scandalous Prince benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
