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Wenn dir das Lied iamamiwhoami Chasing Kites gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

iamamiwhoami - Chasing Kites Lyrics

It's a thin, thin line and I walk both sides of it
See the other side a bezel tempting, worth dying for it
And your limbs they cannot on walk
Absorb in your every thought
Where the skin it all falls
Working its wonders and now for you

Overlooking out past and any go
A brighter forecasts, no winds will blow
The storm is drawing near
The calm in the air is cleared
Waste my youth chasing kites
I know we'll be blood

Put your head in the sand there's nothing that you seek
No discovery of mind will be saving these here
You feel out better till it's on your tongue
Swallow your every gong
Let your sins reveal your laws
And it already is now for you

Overlooking out past and any go
A brighter forecasts, no winds will blow
The storm is drawing near
The calm in the air is cleared
Waste my youth chasing kites
I know we'll be blood
Overlooking out past and any go
A brighter forecasts, no winds will blow
The storm is drawing near
The calm in the air is cleared
Waste my youth chasing kites
I know we'll be blood 

iamamiwhoami - Chasing Kites Songtext.
Chasing Kitesiamamiwhoami

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iamamiwhoami Chasing Kites Songtext

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