
Thrash Metal

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Wenn dir das Lied Coroner Metamorphosis gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Coroner - Metamorphosis Lyrics

See me become a snake
Wrapped around your neck...
See me become a spike
Pushed deep in your flesh...

Feel me become a tongue
Gliding softly down your spine...
Feel me become the essence
That makes you cry...

But there's one thing
You have to know
When you awake
Don't be surprised
'Cos you won't be alive

Watch me become that moment
That really matters in your life...
Watch me become the relic
That means so much to you...

But there's one thing
You have to know
When you awake
Don't be surprised
'Cos you won't be alive

Hear me become a cry
That means a thousand words in one...
And hear me as I whisper so low
That you won't dare to breathe...

See me become a snake 

Coroner - Metamorphosis Songtext.

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Coroner Metamorphosis Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Metamorphosis Coroner benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
