Jake Owen


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Jake Owen - Every Reason I Go Back Lyrics

It's one way in, it's one way out
it's one stop, one cop, one bar town
where its eight-ball winner breaks, loser racks
it's the same old cars and the same old trucks
the same old coach with the same bad luck
but on friday nights the home team side is packed
it's every reason I left and every reason I go back

yeah it's the same old, same old, nothing's changed
where everybody knows your name
it's a dirt road trip down memory lane
and old flame I cant get passed
it's every reason that I left and every reason I go back

it's the same old questions from my momma's mouth
it's my dads voice "hey boy" just wearing me out
about "yes, sir yes ma'am" you dont talk back
it's the same cheap buddies with the same cheap beer
with the same cheap shots that I always fear
and them same old stories still get the same old laughs
it's evey reason that I left and every reason I go back

yeah it's the same old, same old, nothing's changed
where everybody knows your name
it's a dirt road trip down memory lane
and old flame I cant get passed
it's every reason that I left and every reason I go back

oh I cant wait to get back 

Jake Owen - Every Reason I Go Back Songtext.
Every Reason I Go BackJake Owen

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Jake Owen Every Reason I Go Back Songtext

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