Jake Owen


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Jake Owen - Anything For You Lyrics

Box of sunshine, bottle of rain
Fistful of wind from a West Texas plain
Tell me you want it, baby, that's all you've gotta do
I'll do anything for you

I'd walk the Mississippi, I'd drown in your kiss
Catch a star in a mason jar so you could make your wish
Whatever that may be, baby, I'll make it come true
I'll do anything for you

You are the reason I live my religion
The air that I breathe, you're that deep in me
And I'll give you my heart and my soul
There's no fire I wouldn't walk through
I'll do anything for you

I'd call on the nightingale to write you a song
I'll sing you to sleep, baby, and I'll wake you at dawn
I'll wrap you in sweet dreams the whole night through
I'll do anything for you

You are the reason I live my religion
The air that I breathe, you're that deep in me
And I'll give you my heart and my soul
There's no fire I wouldn't walk through, oh
I'll do anything for you

In the shadows of the last sunset
I'll bargain with God and say take me instead
After all, baby, it's the least I can do
I'll do anything for you, I'd do anything for you

Jake Owen - Anything For You Songtext.
Anything For YouJake Owen

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Jake Owen Anything For You Songtext

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