Jake Owen


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Jake Owen - Good Timing Lyrics

Looks like your cup’s empty
And you’re all alone
I got the good stuff with me
Can you hear that song?
It just came on, girl

I can tell that you’re feelin it
I see the words runnin off your lips
And you’re crazy cool
Same night, same spot
Don’t it look like we’ve got some good timing?

Just a boy and a girl underneath these stars shining
It feels like it was meant to be yea
No, I don’t think it’s coincidence
Running into you here like this
Sparks flying, see you smiling
Baby ain’t it crazy? We got… good timing

Look up to that sky girl
It’s a full moon night
You just broke up with somebody
Baby so did I
Just the other night, girl

Can you believe what time it is?
11:11, let’s make a wish
We’re gonna have a night we’ll never forget
And it ain’t over yet
Girl we got some good timing

Just a boy and a girl underneath these stars shining
It feels like it was meant to be yea
No, I don’t think it’s coincidence
Running into you here like this
Sparks flying, see you smiling
Baby ain’t it crazy? We got… good timing

It used to be the only luck I had
Was a day late dollar short,
Always bad
And then I saw your face and it all changed up
Baby just like that
It’s alright
Right on the money, on the spot
Girl we got some good timing

Just a boy and a girl underneath these stars shining
It feels like it was meant to be yea
No, I don’t think it’s coincidence
Running into you here like this
Sparks flying, see you smiling
Baby ain’t it crazy? We got… good timing

Good timing
Good timing

Jake Owen - Good Timing Songtext.
Good TimingJake Owen

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Jake Owen Good Timing Songtext

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