Jake Owen


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Wenn dir das Lied Jake Owen 1972 gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Jake Owen - 1972 Lyrics

Daddy drove in over, it was sky blue
He worked at a record store after school
Call it sympathy for the vinyl

Turntable in the basement, Major Cool
A hippie girl, couple cold beers split in two
You got your own rock n roll revival

Girl you know they didn’t ride
So come over tonight

I’m gonna rock you like Zeppelin, roll you like the stones
Burr like them speakers in my old headphones
Gonna fly like an eagle when I drop a needle on the blues
I’m gonna get the metal piece down from the attic
With a pop and a hiss and a little bit of static
We’ll return like a villain on some Dylan while we’re killin some booze
We’re gonna kick it like the kids did in 1972

So will it just be me and you?
Playing air drums with The Who’s Keith Moon
You know them good ones always die too soon
Like Jimmy, Jim and Joplin

Yea, kickin back, cutting loose
Sippin on Jack, that’s what we do
It don’t matter baby girl cus in a few
You’re gonna hear heaven a knockin

Look out!

[Chorus x2:]
I’m gonna rock you like Zeppelin, roll you like the stones
Burr like them speakers in my old headphones
Gonna fly like an eagle when I drop a needle on the blues
I’m gonna get the metal piece down from the attic
With a pop and a hiss and a little bit of static
We’ll return like a villain on some Dylan while we’re killin some booze
Well let’s kick it like the kids did in 1972

Yea, we’re gonna kick it like the kids did in 1972 

Jake Owen - 1972 Songtext.
1972Jake Owen

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Jake Owen 1972 Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied 1972 Jake Owen benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
