Jake Owen


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Jake Owen - Eight Second Ride Lyrics

Come on

I said, "Hey girl, what's your name
Haven't I seen you before?
I recognize them dark green eyes
When you dosie doed across the floor"

"Are you alone or are you with someone?"
She said, "As a matter of fact I'm not"
So I took her hand that's when it all began
And we headed towards the parking lot

And she said, "Hey boy, do you mind taking me home tonight
'Cuz I ain't never seen a country boy with tires on his truck this high
I said, "Climb on up but honey watch the cup that I spitttin' my dip inside
And hold on tight 'cuz it's gonna be wilder then any eight second ride"

We went ridin' around rockin'
To the sound of a country boy can survive
And I knew then she was my kinda girl
'Cuz she was singin' every single line

Then she slid on over put my hand on her shoulder
And I asked her what she wanted to do
She said, "It really don't matter where we go
Just as long as I'm ridin' with you"

She said, "Hey boy, do you mind taking me home tonight
'Cuz I ain't never seen a country boy with tires on his truck this high
I said, "Climb on up but honey watch the cup that I spittin' my dip inside
And hold on tight 'cuz it's gonna be wilder then any eight second ride"

So we headed out to Old Tobacco Road
Put the tailgate down and we made love
She said "A true country boy is hard to find
But I found one wilder then any eight second ride"

She said, "Hey boy, do you mind taking me home tonight
'Cuz I ain't never seen a country boy with tires on his truck this high
I said, "Climb on up but honey watch the cup that I spittin' my dip inside
And hold on tight 'cuz it's gonna be wilder then any eight second ride
Yeah, hold on tight 'cuz it's gonna be wilder then any eight second ride" 

Jake Owen - Eight Second Ride Songtext.
Eight Second RideJake Owen

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Jake Owen Eight Second Ride Songtext

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