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Wenn dir das Lied Cryptopsy Soar And Envision Sore Vision gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Cryptopsy - Soar And Envision Sore Vision Lyrics

Lyrics by Mike DiSalvo

Savagely beguiled of courage
Not equipped for determination
Needed for your journey
Not sure if you were
Thrown in or shit out
The way you see it is the way it is

Maybe not the way it?s supposed to be
A beginning for other solutions
Led to the same place to find
The bad in the bad
And the bad in the good

Either way
Whatever could go wrong does go wrong
Ending up right back
Where you began

The great escape
Houdini mystique
Sensory multiload
Overstate the obvious
That your situations
Remain in focus never to vanish

Soar and envision sore vision  

Cryptopsy - Soar And Envision Sore Vision Songtext.
Soar And Envision Sore VisionCryptopsy

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Cryptopsy Soar And Envision Sore Vision Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Soar And Envision Sore Vision Cryptopsy benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
