Joe Bonamassa

Blues Rock, Blues

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Wenn dir das Lied Joe Bonamassa Driving Towards The Daylight gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Joe Bonamassa - Driving Towards The Daylight Lyrics

Look upon a mountain, waitin' on a train.
Baby I know what's wrong, and it's still happening.
Waiting on my destiny,
learning from my abilities.
Who was wrong and who was right?
Do we even know why we are fighting?
So take your eyes off of me
and look upon the churning sea.

Driving towards the daylight,
running from the midnight,
trying to get my way home.
Running from the spotlight,
trying to find the daylight,
trying to get back home.

Rusty strings on my old guitar,
speaks volumes of who you are.
So never did I think it was you
It was me, one of the chosen few
Who will it be, oh the next time?
Hopefully one with more sense of mind.
So where did you go?
Always will see,
it's a story of you and me.

Driving towards the daylight,
running from the midnight,
trying to get my way home.
Running from the spotlight,
trying to find the daylight,
trying to get back home.

Driving towards the daylight,
running from the midnight,
trying to get my way home.
Running from the spotlight,
trying to find the daylight,
trying to get my way home.

Driving towards the daylight,
running from that midnight,
trying to get my way home.
Running from the spotlight,
trying to find the daylight,
trying to get my way home.

Joe Bonamassa - Driving Towards The Daylight Songtext.
Driving Towards The DaylightJoe Bonamassa

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Joe Bonamassa Driving Towards The Daylight Songtext

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