12 Stones

Музыка из фильма Сорвиголова, Alt. Rock

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Wenn dir das Lied 12 Stones Hey Love gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

12 Stones - Hey Love Lyrics

Hey, love
Looking back on everything I've done
I never thought I'd find the one
To share the dreams that only I had seen
Locked in the deepest part of me

Hey, love
I took a chance to lay it on the line
There was nothing left to hide behind
If you never love, then you may never lose
And I hope I'll always be with you

Now I'm screaming

Hey, love
Won't you leave your touch
On this heart that's broken
I can't breathe when you're not here
Hey, love
Won't you lift me up
On the wings that fly higher
Than the stars that shine above

Hey, love
Thinking back on everything we've done
We watched the waves drown the sun
We shared a dream that both us had seen
And we made it our reality

Hey, love
We found a way to stand the test of time
All of our doubts were left behind
If you never love, then you may never lose
And I hope I'll always be with you

Now I'm screaming

Hey, love
Won't you leave your touch
On this heart that's broken
I can't breathe when you're not here
Hey, love
Won't you lift me up
On the wings that fly higher
Than the stars that shine above

If darkness should fall upon our hearts
Remember the dreams from the start

Hey, love
Won't you leave your touch
On this heart that's broken
I can't breathe when you're not here
Hey, love
Won't you lift me up
On the wings that fly higher
Than the stars that shine above

Hey, love
I can't breathe when you're not here
Hey, love
Won't you lift me up

12 Stones - Hey Love Songtext.
Hey Love12 Stones

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12 Stones Hey Love Songtext

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