Guano Apes


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Wenn dir das Lied Guano Apes Dick gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Guano Apes - Dick Lyrics

Don’t say a word
Life is like a sin-phony
Brave as you dare
There’s nothing but your gain
I’d take off your shoes
To pull you up in estasy
Hide and turn loose
That’s why I force you to

Walk like a stag
Talk like a stag
Come watch yourself
Walk like a stag
Talk like a stag
Who could wear my pants

No dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

No dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

Now it’s time to live your fantasies
Ready or not we have a new concept
To turn the coin of lust and penalty
Just look what I do

Walk like a stag
Talk like a stag
Come watch yourself
Walk like a stag
So you could wear my pants

Dick no dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

Dick no dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

Pum-pum pum-pum
Pum-pum pum-pum

So you could wear my pants!

Dick no dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

Dick no dick
You got no
Yeah yeah how come

Guano Apes - Dick Songtext.
DickGuano Apes

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Guano Apes Dick Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Dick Guano Apes benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
