The Courteeners

Indie Rock, Rock

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The Courteeners - Marquee Lyrics

Stay up late and think
Of where you might be
I can't sleep I've got the image
Of you and him in the Marquee
He made you smile
When did I stop doing that?
Was it happening for a while?
You should've just said
Instead I'm lying here
Wrestling demons in my bed
Around and round we go
Demons in my bed

I don't mean to be so rude
But next time you think
You might not love someone
Don't you think it's best to tell them earlier on?

Was he one of those
Whom you swore was just a friend
And did he used to send
Those messages through the night
Your screen would flash
And in tone so brash
You'd say it's the time zone
And the working late
You're working too hard
You're working us to the ground
And I don't feel too sound
Is he better pound for pound?
You'll never know

I don't mean to be so rude
But next time you think
You might not love someone
Don't you think it's best
To tell them earlier on  

The Courteeners - Marquee Songtext.
MarqueeThe Courteeners

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The Courteeners Marquee Songtext

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