30 Seconds To Mars


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Wenn dir das Lied 30 Seconds To Mars Edge Of The Earth gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth Lyrics

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the
one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck,
it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game

You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the
one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck,
it's just a matter of time

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into this new future's face

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right inside of the gun
Look into the new future's face

(Stand out on the edge of the earth)

Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face

30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth Songtext.
Edge Of The Earth30 Seconds To Mars

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30 Seconds To Mars Edge Of The Earth Songtext

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