Patrick Wolf

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Patrick Wolf - Slow Motion Lyrics

Before you, I was living,
In my silver first kitchen.
Fruit fly clouds breathing,
No hope, no religion.

A nightmare on Haslett Road,
I was too young to weep from the road.
Too proud for help, too scared to grow,
Out of my depth and out of control,
I was so lonely there.

Living in slow motion,
Breathless corrosion.
Waiting for the kiss of life.

Slow motion,
Breathless corrosion.
Waiting for the kiss of life,
The kiss of life.
Waiting for your kiss of life.

City rumours spreading,
deep water worth treading.
Yes, I was too young to weep from the road.
And too proud for help, too scared to grow,
Out of my depth and out of control.

Yes, strangers meet in slow motion,
Breathless devotion,
That night you gave me the kiss of life.

Slow motion,
Breathless, breathless.
That night you gave me the kiss of life,
The kiss of life.
That night you saved me,
The kiss of life.

Wake me out of that deep sleep, darlin'
Wake me out of that deep sleep, darlin'
Wake me out of that deep sleep, darlin'
Wake me out of that deep sleep, darlin'
With your kiss

Wake me out of that deep sleep
Deep sleep, darlin'
Deep sleep, darlin'.

Patrick Wolf - Slow Motion Songtext.
Slow MotionPatrick Wolf

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Patrick Wolf Slow Motion Songtext

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