Patrick Wolf

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Wenn dir das Lied Patrick Wolf Bloodbeat gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Patrick Wolf - Bloodbeat Lyrics

My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black..

I wake at dusk to go alone,
Without a light, to the unknown...
I want this night inside of me;
I want to feel - I want this speeding!
I want that speeding!

My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black - ha, ho!

No need for comfort, no need for light;
I'm hunting for secrets tonight...
Eat the sorrow, lick the spark;
Uh-oh... my blood beats dark...
No need for comfort, no need for light;
I'm hunting down demons tonight...
Eat the terror, lick the spark;
Uh-oh... my blood beats dark...
My blood beats dark...

And here it comes, it comes for me;
I want to run, I want to scream!
Get in my car with both eyes closed,
Full pedal down, and I am speeding!
And I am speeding!

My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black - ha, ho!
My blood beats black tonight!
My blood beats black - ha, ho!

No need for comfort, no need for light;
I'm hunting for secrets tonight...
Eat the sorrow, lick the spark;
Uh-oh... my blood beats dark...
No need for comfort, no need for light;
I'm hunting down demons tonight...
Eat the terror, lick the spark;
Uh-oh... my blood beats dark... (dark, dark, dark, dark, dark...)
My blood beats dark... (dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark...)
Oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh...
Oh... my blood beats dark...

Patrick Wolf - Bloodbeat Songtext.
BloodbeatPatrick Wolf

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Patrick Wolf Bloodbeat Songtext

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