Patrick Wolf

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Patrick Wolf - Bermondsey Street Lyrics

She kisses him on Bermondsey Street and,
Rises high on the balls of her feet.
Declares this the greatest love of the century.

He fumbles for a wedding ring,
She's no, no clone from Vogue Magazine.
She is complex in all her complexions,
Love is here to heal.

And I'm so proud of you,
But now you must too,
Take pride with what this love you do.

He kisses him on Bermondsey Street and,
Standing brave on the balls of his feet.
Declares this the greatest love of the century.

He fumbles for a wedding ring,
He's no, no clone from Colt Magazines.
He is complex in all his complexions,
Love is here to heal.

And I'm so proud of you,
Now you must too,
Take pride with what this love you do.

Now you know,
Love knows no boundaries,
Sees beyond sexuality.
Holds the sun in the palm of its hand,
And laughs down the cynical man.
{Cynical man!}

Hear what I say, hear what I see.
Two kisses sweet on Bermondsey Street.

Regardless of religion,
Braver than any faith,
No fear of society,
Evolves you and me.

Two kisses sweet on Bermondsey Street now.
Two kisses sweet,
Two kisses sweet on Bermondsey Street now.

And two kisses sweet on Bermondsey Street now.
Two kisses sweet on Bermondsey Street.

Patrick Wolf - Bermondsey Street Songtext.
Bermondsey StreetPatrick Wolf

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Patrick Wolf Bermondsey Street Songtext

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