Laura Marling


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Wenn dir das Lied Laura Marling You're No God gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Laura Marling - You're No God Lyrics

Mom thinks that you're sad and that you're living alone,
And your friends think if you're sad,
You should call them more.
But the truth is that you never needed someone to comfort you.
Oh, you never needed someone to comfort you.

You're no god
You're no god
You will never leave this place
You will always feel alone
You will never feel quite clean in this new skin that
you have grown until your old and broken bones are laid
into their resting place,
just like the rest of human race.

Until I fall into my place,
just like the rest of human race,
Until I'm laid into my final resting place,
just like the rest of human race,
Who've done it without complaining all the way.

You're no god
You're no god
As long as you promise that you will never leave,
I need only worry about you and me.

We will never leave this place.
We need never feel alone.
We will learn to feel quite clean in this new skin that we have
grown because our young and healthy bones would never lead us astray.
We will learn to feel quite clean in this new skin that we have...

We will learn to feel quite clean in this new skin that we have...
We will learn to feel quite clean in this new skin that we have
grown because our young and healthy bones would never lead us astray 

Laura Marling - You're No God Songtext.
You're No GodLaura Marling

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Laura Marling You're No God Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied You're No God Laura Marling benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
