Girls Aloud

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Girls Aloud - Love Is The Key Lyrics

Always hear you singing
I can't stand that song
You like my hair brunette
But I like it blonde
You lie in the sunshine
But it makes me sweat
You save all your money
While, I get into debt

Not the kinda guy to catch my eye
Now we're picking out the tiles and curtains
Never thought you'd be the lucky guy
Now it's the only thing I know for certain
Used to go for guys who make me cry
Never seem to find the rhyme or reason
If you love somebody don't ask why
Cupid mystifies

Oh when they say love's the key
At end of the road
It don't matter to me
Worth that man hanging on hold
The answer is love
And no reason why
It knows where you've been
Oh but you and me just seem to fit right

I'm mocha-chocca latte
You're more Espresso shot
Life and soul of the party
It's safe to say you're not

I lean towards fiction
But you deal with fact
Don't mind the friction
Cos opposites attract

Not the kinda guy to catch my eye
Now we're picking out the tiles and curtains
Never thought you'd be the lucky guy
Now it's the only thing I know for certain
Used to go for guys who make me cry
Never seem to find the rhyme or reason
If you love somebody don't ask why
Cupid mystifies

Oh when they say love's the key
At end of the road
It don't matter to me
Worth that man hanging on hold
The answer is love
And no reason why
It knows where you've been
Oh but you and me just seem to fit right

Girls Aloud - Love Is The Key Songtext.
Love Is The KeyGirls Aloud

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Girls Aloud Love Is The Key Songtext

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