Girls Aloud

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Girls Aloud - Long Hot Summer Lyrics

I know you like to wear my dressing gown when I'm not there
I guess you like it in my shoes
Just cos you drive a Mazarati and the ladies stare
Don't mean you'll go as fast as I do

I know it's summer in the city and the sun is high
But you could play it cool again
Cos boy I seen you disco dancing
with your pants on fire
We need a little tropical rain

So baby, baby, watch the needle
when you're heading south
You drive me crazy, just remember you can burn me out
Slow it down

It's been a long hot summer
and it's ninety five degrees in the shade
It's only Sunday morning
and I need that Friday feeling again
You put me in a fever fifty stories high
And suddenly I'm freezing and I don't know why
It's been a long hot summer
and I'm shaking like a cool lemonade

If you wanna get fresh get out of my car
Cos the boys like you are going too fast
I'm taking my time now

If you wanna fly high keep out of the sun
When your fingers start to burn it's no fun
So why don't you climb down?

If you wanna get fresh then take a cold shower
Put your back on ice before you turn sour
Nobody can fool me

Little pain in my head and dust out my eyes
Every time I feel the temperature rise
I need you to cool me

I'm partied out of house and home
So baby if you fight me, how you gonna like me
Running down that Old Kent Road
So think before you bite me
How you gonna get back home?

It's been a long hot summer
and it's ninety five degrees in the shade
It's only Sunday morning
and I need that Friday feeling again
You put me in a fever fifty stories high
And suddenly I'm freezing and I don't know why
It's been a long hot summer
and I'm shaking like a cool lemonade

A little late
To take it slow
But I couldn't wait
To party

Like a cannonball
Got what I wanted
Now I've seen it all
So find me

I've ricocheted
Around the world
Drinkin’ pink champagne
It's easy

Turn the heat too high
it's what I wanted
But I just can't lie
Now I'm queezy

Girls Aloud - Long Hot Summer Songtext.
Long Hot SummerGirls Aloud

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Girls Aloud Long Hot Summer Songtext

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