Girls Aloud

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Girls Aloud - Don't Want You Back Lyrics

You know it ain't right
You treated me wrong
But I thought we could make it
That's why I played nice for far too long
While you're testing my patience

All along I knew that you
Were holding your feelings back from me
And while I said I'm through with you
That's not how it seems to be

I don't want you back
If you don't wanna give me your heart
I don't want you back
Until I know it's real
But I'm still gonna love you forever
And I don't wanna let you back
Until I know

So tell me what's next
And how do you expect
To think you could win back my heart again
You better do your best
Don't wanna have regrets
About giving you, another chance

All along I knew that you
Were holding your feelings back from me
And while I said I'm through with you
That's not how it seems to be

I don't want you back
If you don't wanna give me your heart
I don't want you back
Until I know it's real
But I'm still gonna love you forever
And I don't wanna let you back
Until I know

And I know I'll be alright
I'll keep my faith in the love
Can't run, can't hide to love someone
Now that I know
That's why I've gotta let you know

Girls Aloud - Don't Want You Back Songtext.
Don't Want You BackGirls Aloud

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Girls Aloud Don't Want You Back Songtext

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