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Wenn dir das Lied Pantera Strength beyond strength gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Pantera - Strength beyond strength Lyrics

There is nothing. No education. No family life to open my
Arms to. You'd say that my job is today, yet gone tomorrow.
I'll be broke in a gutter.
I know the opinion. A broken record. Fuck you and your
College dream. Fact is, we're stronger than all.
You're working for perfect bodies, perfect minds and perfect
Neighbors. But I'm helping to legalize dope on
Your pristine streets and I'm making a fortune.
You're muscle and gall. Naive at best. I'm bone, brain and
Cock. Deep down stronger than all.
A sad state of affairs. A crippled America. A pipe dream
Buttfucked. Immune. Stronger than all.
A lament for a rookie officer, punk ass weak little lamb.
For the mob, truly, does rule at this particular time.
We've grown into a monster. An arrogant, explosive motherfuck.
Hard as a rock. Shut like a lock.
Finally, the president in submission. He holds out his hand on
Your television and draws back a stump. It's too late for some.
Far too late. 

Pantera - Strength beyond strength Songtext.
Strength beyond strengthPantera

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Pantera Strength beyond strength Songtext

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