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Wenn dir das Lied Pantera Rise gefallen hat, dann musst du dich auf jeden Fall mit dem Songtext bekannt machen!

Pantera - Rise Lyrics

We've got no time to lose
Your news is old news
Hate this, hate me, hate this
Right approach for the wrong
It's time to spread the word
Let the voice be heard
All of us, one of us, all of us
Dominate and take the motherfucking world

Mass prediction, unification
Breathing life into out lungs
EVERY creed and EVERY kind
To give us depth for strength

Taught when we're young to hate one another
It's time to have a new reign of power
Make pride universal so no one gives in
Turn our backs on those who oppose
Then when confronted we ask them the question
That's wrong with their mind?
What's wrong with your mind?

It's time to RISE

We've lived with past mistakes
And we've lived with our own
Forgive, forget forgive 

Pantera - Rise Songtext.

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Pantera Rise Songtext

Nicht immer kann man verstehen, was gesungen wird und für solche Fälle wirst du die Lyrics zum Lied Rise Pantera benötigen. Außerdem, dank dem Songtext, kannst du dein Lieblingslied ganz einfach ansingen.
